Frequently Asked Question Connection Information
Last Updated about a month ago

Please find below the login details and setup guide link for your new email address.

Incoming POP3 Server (Port 110):

Optional Incoming IMAP Server (Port 143):

Outgoing SMTP Server (Port 25):

If your internet provider blocks the outgoing port 25 you can use the alternative port 587

SSL should be off

Outgoing SMTP authentication is required.

Webmail Login:

Make sure the Username for both incoming and outgoing server is your full email address.

Futher Information:
More information regarding setting up your account as well as guides for mail programs such as Outlook, Thunderbird etc and support for mobile devices can be found on our help site

We recommend that you login to your webmail account and setup the password recovery setting from the options menu. This will enable you to reset your email password should you ever forget it. You can also create your own password from options and then login.

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