Frequently Asked Question

Customer - Cannot Login / Forgotten Password
Last Updated 8 years ago

If your customer has forgotten the password to their account please instruct your customer to use the "Forgotten Password" link located on the login page.

This process will ask your customer to input the email address they used to register with.

If the customer enters the correct email address they will be sent an email containing a new password.

Possible Problems

My Customers' new password doesn't work!
Sometimes Customers are impatient to receive the email and will attempt to complete this process more than once.  Each time they complete the process the store will generate another new password.  By the time they eventually do receive the first email containing the new password it is already out-of-date and been replaced by a new password (created when they completed the process again in an attempt to speed things up).

To avoid confusion, it's important they complete this process only once.

My customer hasn't received an email containing the new password!
Unfortunately the email containing the new password can sometimes get trapped in spam filters and end up in the Customers' Spam/Junk folder.

Be sure to instruct your customer to check these folders!

In rarer cases the email containing the new password can be blocked altogether by the customers' mail provider. 

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to help in this situation but there are 3 options for you to choose from:

  1. Ask the customer to contact their mail provider and ask them to stop blocking the email.
  2. If your customer has access to their Webmail account they sometimes have the facility to "Whitelist" a sender.  Ask the customer to Whitelist the address your store sends from.
  3. If all else fails the remaining action is to delete the customers account.  This will allow the customer to register once again as a new customer whilst hopefully choosing a more memorable password.

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